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Should The Examination Be Abolished?(应该取消考试吗?),

01-13 14:33:49| http://www.wpjlr.com |高考英语作文|人气:320

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Should The Examination Be Abolished?
Look at the picture. There are two middle school students in it. Each has an examination paper in his hand. The one With a high score looks very happy while the other with a low score is quite sad. But, does the former have greater:ability than the latter? Is the examination the best way to check the student's ability?
The examination now plays a very important role in the realm ofeducation. It is used to decide who the best students are, who should be praised and who should be admitted in universities.
But the examination may make people think that gaining high marks only is siftficient. But in fact, it is not the case. The students who don't study diligently may score high by hard reciting and be considered as successfulstudents. This is unfair. "Excellence" ought to be awarded to the really all-round students.
As a result, the examination should be combined with other means to measure the students knowledge and capability. A few questions given in the examination can not cover the whole field of the subject. Emphasis should also be put on checking the students ability to apply.


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