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There Should Be No Little Emperors(不应该做“小皇帝”

01-13 14:23:50| http://www.wpjlr.com |高中英语作文|人气:462

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                    There Should Be No "Little Emperors"
     This afternoon on my way home I saw lots of people standing:at the gate of the primary school. I didn'tknow what they are doing there at first. Then a group ofpupils came out of the school. Those people outside the gate went close to the pupils and called out names like "Lingling", "Fangfang", "Xiaohua", etc. Then I knew they had come to meet their children.
     These children and other children like them are so happy that they are all like "little emperors"  It's not good at all. Children will be the builders of our-country in the future. There are so many things for them to learn. Later many things will be done by them. This means that they shouldn't be "little emperors"
     On the contrary, they should depend on themselves. And they sh0uid do everything they can do without the help of their parents!
     Our country's future will be held in the hands of today's children, and, they will be its masters. So they should learn their parents' good habits and get rid of their own 15ad ones. Their parents can't look after them forever.


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