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03-04 16:28:03| http://www.wpjlr.com |小学六年级英语试卷|人气:147


六年级牛津小学英语6B unit2听力题


1. slow     2. jog    3.little   4.soon   5. really  

6. dance better  7. run faster   8. the other boys 

9. Don’t worry.   10. He needs help with his homework.  



1.Helen dances well. But Lili dances better than Helen.

Q: Does Helen dance better than Lili?

2. Jim is 125cm, Tom is 135cm.

 Q: Who is taller, Jim or Tom?

3. Mike runs faster than John, but he runs slower than Sam.

 Q:Who runs faster, John or Sam?

4. Mr Black goes to work at ten past eight, Mrs Black goes to work twenty minutes later than Mr Black.

 Q:What time does Mrs Black go to work?

5. I’m 12 years old. My friend is 2 years older than me.

 Q:How old is my friend?



Hello, I’m Jill. I’m 13 years old, 3 years younger than my brother Bill. But I’m taller and stronger than Bill. I’m good at playing football, so I play better than him. Bill does well in jumping, and he jumps higher than me. Bill gets up as early as me. We go to school together every day. 




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