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03-04 16:27:54| http://www.wpjlr.com |小学六年级英语试卷|人气:233


学校:             姓名:           成绩:

  I. 听力部分

  一、 听写单词。(20分)

  二、 听上句,选择正确的下句。(10分)

  (  )1.  A. It comes from the vapor.

  B. It comes from the clouds..

  (  )2.  A. He works in a hospital..

  B. She works in a bank.

  (  )3.  A. He is reading a book.

  B. He is an engineer.

  (  )4.  A. Yes, he does.

  B. Yes, I do.

  (  )5.   A. I like collecting stamps.

  B. She likes collecting stamps.

  (  )6.  A. I go to school by bike.

  B. I get school by bike.

  (  )7.  A. I‘m going go the bookstore.

  B. I’m going at 3 o‘clock.

  (  )8.  A. Yes, it is.

  B. Yes, there is.

  (  )9.  A. I can go on foot.

  B. I go home on foot.

  (  )10. A. Yes, I do.

  B. Yes, I am .


  John is my pen pal. He _______ in China. He likes ______ and ________ the ________. His mother is a teacher. She _______ _______. She goes go work _________ ________. She often __________ ____________ at night.

  II. 笔试部分


  1.骑自行车__________________    2. read a magazine ______________

  3.集邮______________________    4. science museum ______________

  5.漫画书____________________    5. motor cycle__________________

  7.下周______________________    8. pen pal ________ _____________

  9.交通规则__________________    10. Hong Kong _________________


  ride (ing形式)                     swim (ing形式)

  have(第三人称单数)                play(第三人称单数)

  making (原形)                     making (原形)

  their (同音词)                      right(反义词)

  doesn’t (完全形式)                  actor (对应词)




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