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英语日记格式 范文

01-15 14:17:17| http://www.wpjlr.com |英语日记|人气:617

本站除了英语日记格式 范文这篇外,还有更多关于英语日记,英语日记格式,初一英语日记,初中英语日记,英语日记30字的资料哦,


 Sunny  31th,July
           Today was sunny and i was in a good mood.Tired of studying  and a bustle of city life,I came to ecology  park to enjoy the

gorgeous scenery and get relaxed in the afternoon。
    when I arrived at the park ,the first thing came into my sight were the thick green trees,therefore,the air was fresh,in addition

, i could clearly see a path skirting along the pond。laying on the lawn which was decorated by a various of followers and seeing the

blue sky,I felt at ease because all I wanted was some peace and quiet。All thing  formed a beautiful landscape, and you couldn't imagine

how romantic they were!
     However,with the time passing so quickly,The day(不是sun) was dying in the west. So i had to go back home! I  would never forget

such a  memorable experience,  which was really beyond description!


Rainy  1st August
      Today the weather was terrible,so I  had to stay at home.
      In the afternoon,I  finished some homework,then I thought that maybe today was very boring。I stared to surf the Internet ,and I 

found the movie 《Ghost Rider》which was directed by Mark Steven Johnson by  accident and then I began to watch it. The movie told us

that a lover of motorcycle called Johnny  signed  an agreement with a demon  in order to save relatives‘’ lives .However,he lost his

spirit and had to work for the demon.Then He used his spell to fight with evil . The movie was so  exciting that I couln't be calm 。I

would never forget this movie.



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