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01-13 14:35:54| http://www.wpjlr.com |大学英语作文|人气:983

本站除了理想的英语老师是怎样的?这篇外,还有更多关于大学英语作文,大学英语作文范文,大学英语作文网,大学英语作文大全,大学英语作文模板的资料哦, What an Ideal English Teacher Should Be Like?(理想的英语老师是怎样的?)
    Having learned English for more than ten years, I've met several English teachers. Each has his or her own strong points. The following are some of my ideas about what an ideal English teacher should be like.
    First, an ideal English teacher should have correct pronunciation and intonation. When we learn a language, we hear it mostly from our teacher. If the teacher is not correct in his pronunciation and intonation, how can he expect his students to be right? Second, an ideal English teacher should be fluent in his spoken English. He must be able to express himself well in English. Third, an ideal teacher should have a good command of both the English language and his mother tongue. He should be clearly aware of the differences between the two languages and the two cultures. Moreover, an ideal English teacher should have a strong sense of humor so that he can keep his classroom filled with laughter. Finally, an ideal English teacher should know the art of teaching and be able to motivate his students to study and equip them with the correct way of learning English.




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