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Who Am I?-我是谁?,Who Am I?-我是谁?范文

01-13 14:14:14| http://www.wpjlr.com |初中英语作文|人气:489

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I am Li Ming. I am thirteen years old. I study at No. 2 Middle School. My mother, a doctor, works in a children's hospital. My father, a teacher, works in a middle school. I work hard, and I am a good student.
I work hard on my lessons, and I also have many hobbies. I like playing football, and chatting with friends on the Intemet.
I love my family.


My name is Li Ming. I, thirteen years old, am a student in No. 2 Middle School. My parents are kind and friendly. They love me very much. My mother is a doctor and my father is a teacher.They work hard. I study hard as a student. I love my parents.
I am interested in playing football and chatting with friends on the Intemet. I have other hobbies, such as swimming, reading books, etc..


Who Am I?-我是谁? 英语收集整理 英语 www.wpjlr.com
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