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12-11 14:34:05| http://www.wpjlr.com |求职自荐信|人气:993

本站除了中学英文自我介绍这篇外,还有更多关于求职自荐信,求职自荐信范文,求职自荐书,求职自荐书范文的资料哦, I am . I was born in . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English.
In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.
I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge.





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