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The Pains of Growing up

01-11 00:27:15| http://www.wpjlr.com |初三作文|人气:421

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The Pains of Growing up
Good evening, everyone!
My name is du Jiaxin. It's my honor to be here to give you this speech. My topic is "The pains of growing up".
When I was a child, I hoped to grow up immediately. However, having grown up, how I wish I were a child! Once we grow up, the carefree times have flown away, and there are so many pains waiting for us!
First, the pains come from studying. Exactly, studying itself is pleasant. What pains us are exams and scores. We have to study those boring subjects and try to get high scores in exams. It's really painful.
We also suffer from dealing with others. Sometimes we may find that some people are hard to get along with. Sometimes we may quarrel with our good friends. Such things always hurt our feelings.
Parents may bring us pains, too. We think they don't understand us. They stop us from doing what interests us and force us to do what we hate. They keep telling us what to do and what not to do as if we know nothing. They don't really care what is in our mind. Growing up seems to mean endless pains,. So many people wish to return to childhood.
But you know that’s impossible. We can do nothing but stand up and overcome them. What’d better enjoy them and shoulder our duty.
My dear classmates, we don't be afraid of growing up! Don't be afraid of pains. No pains, no gains. We won’t enjoy sweetness and happiness until we taste pains. Let's grow up in pains, grow up in happiness.
That’s all. Thank you for listening!



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