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英文歌曲:Hand in Hand

03-01 20:05:05| http://www.wpjlr.com |英文歌曲|人气:283

本站除了英文歌曲:Hand in Hand这篇外,还有更多关于英文歌曲,经典英文歌曲,好听的英文歌曲,英文歌曲推荐,好听英文歌曲,英文歌曲大全的资料哦,

We see the fire in the sky
We feel the beating of our hearts together
This is our time to rise above
We know the chance is here to live forever
for all time
Hand in hand we stand
all across the land
we can make this world a better place
in which to live
hand in hand we can
start to understand
breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

Every time we give it all
We feel the flame etetnally inside us
Lift our hand in hand
we stand all across the land
we can make this world a better place
in which to live
hand in hand

hands up to the sky
the morning comes and starts to live inharmory
hand in hand
we can start to understand
breaking down the walls that come between
us for all time
hand in hand

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