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03-04 16:10:19| http://www.wpjlr.com |小学四年级英语试卷|人气:951


(满分为100分    考试时间为60分钟)

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  1、                              2、

  3、                            4、

  5、                            6、


  1.Is this a library?  No, it‘s not. It’s the_________.

  A:  teacher‘s office  B: computer room   C: washroom

  2. It’s eight o‘clock. It’s time to __________.

  A: go to school      B:  get up    C: have breakfast

  3. Where is my _________? Oh, it‘s on the sofa.

  A:  skirt          B: shirt             C: dress

  4. It’s ______ today. Put on your coat.

  A:  hot           B: cool             C: cold

  5. Look at the T-shirt. It‘s _______.

  A: pretty          B: cheap            C: expensive

  6. How many horses are there?  There are________.

  A: twenty         B: thirteen           C: twelve

  7. Oh, it’s_________. It‘s time to go to bed.

  A: 8:50         B: 9:35             C: 9:45

  8.Can I wear my______ in the classroom?  No, you can’t.

  A: slippers          B:sandals            C: boots


  1.     (     )    Let‘s go to the playground play football.

  (     )    Let’s go to the gym play football.

  2.     (     )    I like the T-shirt. It‘s colourful.

  (     )    I like the jeans. They are cheap.

  3.     (     )    It’s rainy in London . Put on your boots.

  (     )    It‘s windy in New York. Put on your jacket.

  4.    (     )    Are these sheep? No, they aren’t.

  (     )    Are those sheep? No, they aren‘t.

  5.    (     )    I like tomatoes. Juicy and red.

  (     )    I like carrots. Yummy and orange.


  ( )They are too small.

  ( )No, they aren’t.

  ( )Are they your shoes?

  ( ) what colour are they?

  ( )They are colourful.

  ( )Where are my shoes?


  A: What can you see in the picture?

  B: I can see a             , a                 , a                  a

  and a    




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